Ever been hit by those unexpected charges when you hand your car back to the finance company after your lease has expired? Well, here at Sterling we believe in making sure this doesn't happen to you. Any of our customers will already be aware of the great service we provide and we always looking into ways we can improve that and provide something more. That is exactly what we have come up with, with the Lease Return Check Service. One of our high;y trained team will inspect your vehicle, from tyres to bodywork condition and advise you on anything that they notice. We can then quote you on the work to get the car brought back to the required standard and you can choose whether to go ahead or not. There is absolutely no pressure to do anything we just want to make sure you are aware of anything that maybe recognised in an inspection by your finance company. By having the team at Sterling look after this for you, you can be assured to save some money on the hand back charges.
Call us now for more information or to book your vehicle in. Alternatively, fill in the enquiry form at the top of this page and one of the team will get back to you as soon as they can.
For more information on returning your leased vehicle and what applies as fair wear and tear go to the BVRLA website by clicking here